Wednesday, January 13, 2010

First week of school..first week of school!

First week of school, and what do we get?? STREP THROAT!! Today, Wednesday, started off so well- both girls were up, ready and done eating before we had to leave for the bus (yesterday, Scott and Maya had to run up the hill to catch her morning bus...from what we are told, they DO NOT wait for late comers). Maya mentioned that her throat hurt this morning, and I said (like I have said a gazillion times in the past "well, you can still go to school, and if you do not feel better by mid-morning, make sure to tell your teacher". Only problem is, school is 40 minutes away, and we do not yet have a vehicle. The school health office called around 1pm (right as I was arriving home from Costco in Kawasaki-- another 40 min away, by car), to inform Scott and I that Maya was running a fever, and she would not be able to take the bus home!! So, we had a sick Maya in Chofu, and a healthy Hanna in Omoto-sondo at preschool...who had to be picked up by 2:30...what to do, what to do? Nothing like being in a city for 8 days and having to figure out how the heck to get both of your kids, within an hour, in two opposite directions!! Luckily, a friend that I have made here, who took me out to Costco and was with me when the school called, drives, and was willing (THANK GOD) to drive me out to Chofu to get Maya, while Scott went to get Hanna...trial by fire. When we got to the health center at school, the nurses were VERY concerned that she might have H1N1- to the point where they gave me, Maya and Dawn all masks to wear around (one thing about this country- they are mask crazy!!), and insisted I bring her to the doctor to get checked out. In the states, I would have never brought her for a fever and a sore throat on the first day, but here, being that I had someone willing to drive me to the English speaking doctor, I thought it would be a good idea. There is a doctor here, Dr. Joe, educated in the U.S., who speaks perfect English, and was quite fantastic..he took one look at her throat and said he didn't even need to test it- she either had strep or another bacterial infection, as her throat was all red and swollen. So her prescribed Zithromax and we were off to the pharmacy. Zithromax (my girls are both allergic to penicillin) comes in a powder form here...much different than in the U.S., and according to Maya, not very good in taste. 4 of school for Maya will be spent at home, with her parents. :)

Hanna started school on Tuesday and LOVES her preschool here at Tokyo Union Church. There are only 7 kids in her class, and she has seemed to bond with them all quite quickly. Today, day #2, she could not WAIT to get to school. For those of you who know us and know Hanna- that is quite phenomenal. Her preschool at Curious Kids in Portage this year took over 2 months before I could leave her at school without peeling her off my leg and running out the door with the teacher holding a kicking and screaming Hanna. It has made the week so much easier- knowing that both kids are adjusting and enjoying their new environments.

As I mentioned before, I took my first trip out to Costco today, and I felt right at home. I can get almost everything I can get at home there...and the prices are much less expensive than in a grocery store- even a japanese grocery store! I spent quite a bit of money, but feel like we finally have some food in our house to make lunches and send snacks to school for both girls.

Finally, our air shipment is set to arrive tomorrow morning at 9!! Yeah- we are all very excited about this. We will finally have toys, our sling catcher (to watch our american TV!), laundry baskets, bedding, our pillows, my kitchen supplies (cook wear, utensils, seasonings, my bread maker--bread here is sold in loaves of 8 or 10 slices, and milk is sold by the quart- not convenient for a family of 4!!- hangers to hang our clothes, and most important, a lot of staples from Sam's club in the states in the way of food!!). Whahooo...finally something from home (other than what we packed in our checked luggage when we travelled here last week!).

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like a crazy day. I hope Maya starts to feel better soon!
