Sunday, March 7, 2010

Hanagi Park

We were told that Hanagi Park is a FANTASTIC park. Great kids play areas, beautiful Plum blossoms(which they were), and just an overall great place to spend some time with your family. Of course, we didn't know that they were having a big Plum Blossom festival when we went. It was PACKED- can't move, squished together packed. Not to mention, it had U.S. Lawsuit written all over it (this park would never get approval for kids to play on it!). The majority of the play area looked like old school playgrounds in the U.S. - wooden, and not well put together (a little scary if you ask me). Reminded both Scott and I of the types of places we played at as kids...the girls didn't care, and played like crazy...but there were some things that we weren't too keen on them going on. Also, they had open fire pits- literally logs placed on top of each other, and huge fires burning from them, and they were handing out what looked like round balls of dough. Everyone was wrapping the dough on large sticks (from a distance, we thought they were roasting Marshmallows!) and cooking it over these open flames just feet from the kids play area. Very strange!!

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