Monday, March 15, 2010

On Friday, Maya, who didn't have school due to Parent Teacher conferences (she is doing great- her teacher says she is where she is supposed to be at by the end of the our worries about our kids being behind going from Public schools to International schools was for nothing!!), Hanna and I went to Hanna's preschool field trip at the Tokyo Equestrian club to ride ponies and feed them carrots, and then continued on to Yoyogi Park for a class picnic. The weather was great, and the kids had a BALL riding the ponies. Because Hanna's preschool is so small, the kids got to ride as many times as they wanted, which was so nice for them.

We also found out that it is completely free, and we can return anytime- as long as we bring a carrot as payment! We also went to visit another international Preschool- Yoyogi International school, to see if it would be a fit for Hanna. We loved it- and it is closer to our apartment than the other one, so it will be easier for me to get Hanna to and from next year. The classes are a little larger, the play area is bigger and better, and the building was built after the new earthquake rules went into effect....what does that mean, you ask? It means her building is on rollers underneath the ground, so in case of a bigger sized earthquake, it is supposed to roll with the shaking, and not fight it- in theory, it is supposed to be safer. Hanna's current preschool is awesome, but in a very old building, and that has always been a concern of mine.

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